Thursday, August 12, 2010


One of the best things about our new home is the large backyard (and front yard for that matter) because we can finally garden!!!!  My husband and I are both absolutely ecstatic to be gardening and here is a list of what we are growing!

In our Square Foot Gardening Boxes (need to take picture of these) we have:

Tomatoes (Roma and big early - big early are not my favorite but are growing on me),
Basil, Oregano, Parsley, Zucchinis, Yellow Summer Squash, Onions, Garlic, Green Onions, Tons of Chili Plants, we had Cilantro but it is too hot now. 

We have learned a lot this year and will definitely be setting things up differently next year.  We have cucumbers just starting to grow in one box now and our lettuce is done until it cools down again.

Then we also have plenty of fruit trees:  Lime, Lemon, Orange (navel), Plum (but it is now dead), Nectarine, Banana!, and a different plum variety.  Along with these are blueberry and raspberry bushes.

Then we have our more abnormal varieties such as Sunflowers, Jack O Lantern Pumpkins (just started), Corn (just started), Gian Pumpkins (get up to 100lbs!), and an artichoke plant which produced a few smaller but absolutely delectable artichokes.  Our strawberries did not fare well and I killed them early on but will try again next year!

So as you can tell we are really enjoying our yard and being able to grow so much of our own produce (organically (mostly)) too!  Our fall garden will be even better as well as next springs garden (live and learn right!).  So here's to the rest of this season which is going strong (and producing enough for freezing for our stews this winter).  Yum Yum!

Your List Lady!

PS Tomorrow's post will hold my deals from Ralphs, Albertson's and Staters!

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