Teaching the Tots

This week we are learning about the letter G and the "guh" sound it makes.  We have lots of fun ideas planned using ideas from Confessions of A Homeschooler, Letter of the Week Curriculum, workbooks and the like.  Yesterday we went to visit Grandma (great G word) and she was even wearing green!  (She remembered what we were learning and dressed appropriately - how awesome!).  Our new favorite activity we randomly developed last night was:

Yes we all laid down on the floor together with a huge floor pad and a ton of crayons and drew anything and everything we could think of that started with G (more specifically the "guh" sound like gumdrop not like giraffe).  It was an awesome time and both of the tots enjoyed learning with daddy and having so much space to color on!

Here is our list of things we drew: goose, then geese, games, Gumbi, gumballs, grapes, then green grapes, green grass, guitar, girl, grasshopper, ghosts, garage, Grover, wrote God, Guerra, Great, gumstick, gorilla, garden, graph, gift etc.

Also for this week we plan to do a gumball color by number sheet, multiple gluing projects, pin poking with letter G, making number flashcards and a greater than sign then placing two numbers on the correct sides of the sign, reading books whose titles or main characters start with G, working on some graphing, and of course playing tons of games!

Hope you enjoyed our post and just wanted to remind everyone that while we do these activities as school for our tots I am the first to acknowledge that homeschooling is not for everyone.  These activities can be used for those moments of boredom our tots often experience!

Words I *TRY* to live by:  To each his own; What works for one won't work for all; Just because I do something does not mean I want everyone else doing it to!

Your very own List Lady

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