Thursday, July 29, 2010

Cleaning Schedule

Welcome to a new post very late in the day (well um night)!  Sorry for the delay folks but my sister is visiting for a couple of days before leaving for college and well we kept busy today! 

A list of things we did: make pancakes, read stories, clean the downstairs (me! not the rest of the crew), visit the splash park, eat lunch, watch Ice Age, tots took naps, sis and I researched some things, went to dinner and surprise there was a concert in the courtyard!  The tots were thoroughly entranced by the mix of older (think grandpa old) and younger (9 years of age) guitar players and really really loud oldies songs - they had a blast dancing, singing and running!  If your community offers free summer concerts you might want to check them out!

SO here is my master cleaning list (just the weekly stuff the deep cleaning things are still being worked out - and no I am not a clean the whole house in one fell swoop and have the rest of the week off kind of gal).

Monday - Laundry and Clean the Kitchen (appliances etc) as we have usually entertained or cooked a new and messy dish!
Tuesday - Clean the upstairs: clean clutter, clean the bathrooms, dust, vacuum, mop.
Wednesday - De clutter and organize something (I always have little projects I need to do so I do one a week).
Thursday - Clean downstairs: wipe down kitchen, dust, clean slider, shake rugs out, clean downstairs bathroom, vacuum everything, mop. 
Friday - Wash Sheets, any extra laundry, and clean the toilets before the weekend and potential entertaining.
All Week - I do vacuum under my kitchen table daily if not multiple times per day, laundry if it piles up, wash towels every couple of days.

It is definitely not perfect and my house is not always clean but that is my cleaning schedule hope it helps someone!

Tomorrow's installment will include a list of money saving blogs and websites used to earn free gift cards - with descriptions and links!

Good night,
Your List Lady

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Welcome To Confessions of A List Lady

Welcome one, welcome all! 

Hopefully you will find this blog as intriguing as I feel like it's going to be!  I will post list upon list and all kinds of things that I think modern day families (with or without kids) will find helpful or entertaining!  First things first - I am like a kid in the sense that little things can and do make me giddy.  For example (my first list): my kids, picking fruits and vegetables from my garden, getting a super bargain, finger painting with my daughters, eating really delicious home cooked food, planning to do something fun, actually doing something fun, ready a book, etc etc.  I ran into a neighbor on a walk one day and she asked why I was carrying my grocery receipt with me - uhhhh because I had been looking it over while relishing that I save twice as much as I spent; okay yes I know I am weird!  Let's just hope you all want to read about my weirdness - haha!

And to end this first post a recipe as requested by one of my long time friends: you asked for something new so here it is inspired by our newest cookbook Best Ever Indian Cookbook. Enjoy!

Balti Chicken with Vegetables

1 lb chicken breasts or thighs
4 tbsp Olive Oil
1 Med Onion (a little less than a whole one for us)
6 garlic cloves (sliced or minced your preference)
1 tsp Sea Salt
2 tbsp Lime Juice
2-3 fresh chilies (we used a jalapeno, Serrano and yellow chili de-seeded and de-veined since I cannot stand spicy food)
6 baby carrots in strips or 1-2 full size carrots cut into strips
1 baking potato or 2 small potatoes (the kind that come in the 10lb bags) peeled and cut into strips
1 Yellow summer squash or zucchini or 1/2 of each cut into strips
Fresh cilantro to your liking

1. Cook onions in oil (best to use a wok or deep pan) until browned (low to medium heat).  Add half of the garlic for a few seconds then add chicken and salt.  Cook until chicken is brown and liquid is mostly evaporated.
2. Increase heat and add lime juice, chilies and vegetables and garlic. Stir fry for 7-10 minutes (chicken will be cooked and veggies tender). 
3. Serve (below is a picture of our dish) and it was delish!

More to come soon!  My August menu (yes I am attempting to plan the meals for the whole month as it will be slightly busier than normal for us) will be up by Sunday under menu planning!

Thank you for reading,
 Your Neurotic List Lady!

PS This is my first blog and I only follow a few!